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Illinois LAtino Council on Higher Education
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Welcome to ILACHE!

The mission of Illinois LAtino Council on Higher Education (ILACHE) is to work collaboratively with colleges, universities, and other stakeholders to increase the access, retention, and advancement of all students, faculty, and staff in Illinois higher education institutions while centering our work on Latino/a/x individuals.

Registration now open
2025 ILACHE Conference
Friday, April 11, 2025 

Governors State University

Thank you to all of this year's conference presenters and attendees! We hope you enjoy the photo gallery below and we look forward to seeing you next April at Governors State University! 

The Illinois Latino Council on Higher Education joins with many others across the nation to condemn the recent decision of the Supreme Court.  We encourage our members to take a moment to read our statement. 

Statement on the U.S. Supreme Court’s Decision on Affirmative Action

  • 11/22/2019 10:30 AM | Dave Marcial (Administrator)
    "Tú Cuentas!’ Census 2020 Town Hall, was streamed LIVE from Northeastern Illinois University, one of America’s most ethnically diverse institutions. The Town Hall united community leaders, educators, students and local elected officials for a discussion on the critical importance of accurate count in the Census 2020. Veteran journalist and political commentator Gerson Borrero, host of Estudio DC, moderated the discussion.
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